The sluggish economy, wobbly stock market and sinking trend in consumer confidence cried out for a little pep talk, which Ramsey delivered Friday in a speech at Central Christian Church in Mesa and in media interviews.
"The thing to remember is some of the greatest businesses in history were started in down times," including those founded by people who lost their jobs, he said. "We're going to see some wonderful things come out of this recession."
Ramsey, visiting metro Phoenix to promote his new book, "EntreLeadership," said it's critical for managers to value the human side.
The most successful firms, he said, value employees not just as units of production and customers not just as units of revenue.
"Companies run by lawyers and bean counters have lost their souls," he said.
Ramsey's own Tennessee-based company, the Lampo Group, now counts more than 300 employees and has been honored as a desirable place to work.
The book provides a guide to how he manages. Some tenets, drawn from his personal-finance beliefs, include not borrowing money, operating on a budget and "living on less than we make."
Ramsey considers the current period a "great time to start a business." He also said it's a good time to invest, for which he favors growth-stock mutual funds.
by Russ Wiles The Arizona Republic Sept. 25, 2011 01:42 PM
Finance guru Ramsey gives Valley pep talk