On Sunday night (April 18, 2010), Lady Gaga presided over the the second of her two sold-out shows at Yokohama Arena near Tokyo. We had so much fun hanging out with Gaga fans on Saturday (see our previous article, Lady Gaga’s Little Japanese Monsters) that we decided to head back out to Yokohama for Day Two. As we expected, a party atmosphere was in full effect hours before the concert doors even opened. We saw some familiar faces (many hardcore Lady Gaga fans went to both shows) and met a lot of cool fans that we hadn’t seen on the first day.
Of course we brought our cameras with us, and once again the Japanese Lady Gaga fans amazed and impressed us with their over-the-top fashion. Sure, we saw the large hair bows that Lady Gaga is known for (BTW, big hair bows have been quite popular in Shibuya for several years), but there were also a lot of handmade costumes, inspired-by fashions, totally original creations, and Japanese vs. Gaga style mashups (Lolita Gaga, Mori-Girl Gaga, Shibuya Gal Gaga, etc.) We couldn’t get pictures of every cool Lady Gaga fan we saw (that would require thousands of photos), but we tried to bring back a good collection for those of you that couldn’t make it to the show.
Before we get to the pics, we’d like to thank all of the Gaga fans who were nice enough to talk to us and to pose for our pictures on both days. A special shout-out to the amazingly awesome Japanese girl you see in the middle of the first two pictures below. She was totally cool and fun – so cool that we photographed her (and her huge Lady Gaga sign) on both days. Also, the girl in the last photo (at the bottom of the page) is obviously not Japanese. We saw her standing outside the arena trying to get a ticket for hours. We were too happy for her when she finally found a ticket for the sold-out show, so we took her picture with the ticket to celebrate. Enjoy the pictures!
As usual, we recommend the you click on the photos to see them at full size – the bigger the better!

Japanese Lady Gaga Fan Fashion Pictures