Sexy Art Gallery exhibits, promotes and sells sexy art. Sexy art encompasses a broad range of artistic genres, namely, Fine-art, Pop surrealism, Fetish art, Erotica, Pop art, Gothic art, Pin-up, Glamour, Street art and Kitsch.
Sexy Art Gallery focuses on representing both emerging and recognized artists and priding itself on exposing cutting-edge sexy art.
The art being shown maintains a provoking and provocative stance, with an unapologetic and non compromising approach to the expression of sophisticated sexuality.
Visit us at Sexy Art Gallery at the Erotic Museum (3rd floor) in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 54.
SexyArtGallery.com is intended to be user - friendly and is divided into three levels; the Entrance level, Level I and Level II.
Sexy Art Gallery welcomes you to come and explore the brilliant talent of our artists.
Please visit the about section to learn more about us. Take the time & Enjoy...
With Love,
:: Sexy Art Gallery :: La Galerie Provocatrice ::